#cibmtr - equity in post-hct survival predictions
#Prompt Engineering
#home credit default risk
#translation invariance
#엘리어트 파동
#사이드 프로젝트
#쓰리마켓 패턴
#헷지 모드
#단방향 모드
#분할 익절
#how to make sense of the race group distribution in the data ?
#a general understanding for aft loss function
#target transformation
#aft model
#수익의 확정
#understanding survival analysis
#피보나치 매매법
#3d unet
#czii - cryoet object identification
#child mind institute — problematic internet us
#mercari price suggestion challenge
#2017 kaggle machine learning & data science survey
#toxic comment classification challenge
#spooky author identification
#zillow prize: zillow’s home value prediction (zestimate)
#new york city taxi trip duration
#2018 data science bowl
#costa rican household poverty level
#tensorflow speech recognition challenge
#statoil/c-core iceberg classifier
#porto seguro's safe driver prediction
#target encoding
#binary encoding
#tf-idf encoding
#tf encoding
#threshold optimization
#multiclass classification
#hyperparamter tuning
#end-to-end learning
#mismatched data
#incorrectly labeled data
#structuring ml projects
#categorical variables
#tree-based ensemble models
#activation functions
#logistic loss function
#scale of features
#code cheatsheet
#data imputation
#차원의 저주
#training data
#다우 이론
#Credit Card Fraud Detection
#이동 평균선
#missing data
#범주형 변수
#Data Augmentation
#피보나치 되돌림
#transfer learning
#multi-task learning
#cross validation
#natural language processing
#Weight Initialization
#skip connection
#오차 역전파
#경사 하강법
#error analysis
#curse of dimensionality
#loss function
#learning rate
#one-hot encoding
#활성화 함수
#Convolutional Neural Network
#가중치 초기화
#로지스틱 회귀
#보조 지표
#Feature Engineering
#linear regression
#gradient descent
#random forest
#용어 정리
#차트 패턴
#볼린저 밴드
#거래량 다이버전스
#리스크 관리